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霈斯緹摩是台灣頗具知名度的專業中外籍模特兒經紀公司。並在廣州、深圳設有公司,服務範疇遍及整個大中華及東南亞區。公司合作對象包括國際各類知名品牌、電視、網路、報紙、雜誌等國內外媒體,以及各類大型時尚流行活動。公司同時設有活動策劃部,負責策劃執行時尚類大型活動製作等。企業夥伴遍布紐約、巴黎、米蘭、香港、日本、新加坡等世界主要時尚中心。 期望為大中華區帶來更優秀的專業模特兒。 Pace Timo Management was established in 2004 and is considerably an outstanding and professional models management in Taiwan pass through these years. also we established agency in Shenzhen in 2007 and Guangzhou in 2011. Our objective is to provide our very best models to the Asia area. We cooperate with many international brands and TVC, Internet, newspaper, magazine, entertainment media clients and various fashion events and activities. Pace MGMT has events and activities planning department as well, we have fully experienced people who can help you with fashion events and activities. Our business partners cross national boundaries throughout New York, Paris, Milan, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore, cities of fashion. We sincere hope we can bring better models to you and Asia area.

Address & Contact

Our Address

1F., No.65, Ln. 40, Linjiang St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan


25.02918434114007, 121.55607050755827


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