Nowhere has it been less acceptable to be pale in the winter than it is in the world of fashion. Shooting our seasons backwards…
The key to makeup for castings is appearing as though you’re not wearing any. For models, this goes beyond the «no make-up&…
I believe I’ve spent more time in my life waiting at castings than I have eating and breathing. I’m very familiar with the…
At one point or another, most models find themselves faced with a decision on whether or not to over go a physical change their…
Bold, bleached or bushy, eyebrows go through trends just as much as any other facet of beauty. As a model, it’s important…
While the perks of being a model rank fairly high on the job spectrum, they’re often not as exorbitant as outsiders think.…
I’m reaching out to you, dear models and industry folk, because of a pandemic that is affecting us all. Whether it’s a steamy …
Let’s talk about temporary weaves for a second. Great if they’re clipped-in, painful and time consuming if they’re braided and…
So, you’ve got at least two jobs in one day, you hard-working model you. How do you run from job #1 without scaring children…
Recently I was on set with a group of girls and we had been asked to come makeup ready. Naturally, I had woken up an hour early…