Helena Model Management is a modeling agency in the city centre of Amsterdam. We focus on the international high fashion market.
Kochamy malować światłem. Pasję odnajdujemy w ludziach. Naszą misją jest ujawnianie i rozwijanie piękna. Dlatego nie każde nasze przedsięwzięcie musi być czysto komercyjne. Może to waśnie Ty, potrafisz Nas do tego zainspirować… Jako jedyna…
Inega was established in the 90’s with its first venture being the production of the stage show, Grease Lightening. The company later went on to getting international performance troupes to India and produce events. Inega then pioneered a new…
Noticed Models Management is an international model agency in Malta. It is the first and only international modelling agency in Malta. The agency was opened at the end of 2014 and over a short period of time became one of the best modelling agencies…
THE ONE MODELS , is a model management agency based in Milan