Agencia de Representación Artística & Casting & Moda Actores Cine & Publi , Casting & Organización de pequeños desfiles para Showroom y presentación de colecciones
Dede Management è alla continua ricerca di volti nuovi e vanta un’esperienza pluriennale nel campo della moda ed ha seguito la carriera di svariati modelli/e di successo.
Sherrymodel is a professional modelling agency that provides European look and Mix models for the enterprises to promote their products. Our models have rich experience in catalogue shooting, TV commercial action and runway on state for different…
S Models Management was founded by Seka Vucic in 2003 and is based in Stutttgart and Munich. The company is a professional partner for adult, child and advertising models and can assit with photo production, fashion shows, castings, promotional…