Als junge Hamburger Modelagentur sind wir stets auf der Suche nach neuen Gesichtern und außergewöhnlichen Looks! Obwohl wir noch als «Newcomer» in der Modelwelt bezeichnet werden, konnten wir schon tolle Erfolge (z.B. Wahl der Miss &…
Ice Models Milan started in 2001 by Fam. Giuliani. Is a commercial model agency, well known and well connected to the best client of the whole Italian and international market. We are keen on developing new faces and manage top models. We are keep…
MAYURA, is a new modelling agency that pushes to change the perception people have of beauty. By having very diverse and individual looking models on our books, we hope to show society that different is beautiful.
Planit Model Management is a model based agency located in Toronto, Canada. We represent children, men, women, print, commercial, editorial, high-fashion, petite, and plus size models. Ages 3-45 are welcome. Anything over 30+ is considered…