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Read on to find out how we helped Ewa Golan launch her modelling career after 6 years of unsuccessful applications…

We’ve been working with Ewa since late 2015, when she approached the We Are Models team for help launching her modelling career.

Since we’ve been working with her, she’s been signed to three top agencies, been invited to 10 castings and won 3 prestigious modelling jobs. Ewa wanted to share her journey with our We Are Models community, so we caught up with her last week to hear what she had to say.

Here goes…

WAM: Hi Ewa! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I know our community are going to be super excited to hear from you.

Ewa: Hi! I’m happy to be involved. We Are Models has made a huge difference to me so I just want to share that. Aspiring models, don’t lose hope!

WAM: Let’s start at the beginning then. Why did you first approach We Are Models?

Ewa: Modelling was something I wanted to try for years but never had any luck, basically. All my friends said I should model but I’d been applying for years to various to modelling agencies and always been unsuccessful.

“I felt lost. I didn’t know who to trust, and I felt like I was wasting my time”

I really lost confidence. Pretty much all these agencies said I wasn’t tall enough; I didn’t have the right look for them. I felt lost, to be honest. I didn’t know who to trust, and I felt like I was wasting my time. I was trying to balance my job with finding time to apply to all these agencies and I really wanted to make it work but I just wasn’t getting anywhere.

Modelling Success | Portfolio photos

WAM: How did We Are Models help?

Ewa: Well, Emily completely restored my faith in the entire modelling space to be honest! We sat down together and looked at what I’d been doing and Emily helped me see that I was applying to the wrong type of agencies. I really didn’t have much knowledge about the modelling industry before.

“I found out what type of model I actually was, rather than what I thought I was!”

We explored the type of model I actually was, rather than what I thought I was! Emily helped me discover my USPs as a model, so I knew how to show myself off in the right way to modelling agencies. Emily gave me a bespoke list of agencies that would be suitable for my look, and taught me what they were looking for so I could present myself in the right way and be more likely to get signed.

WAM: I know you had professional images taken with We Are Models too. What was the background there?

Ewa: So I’d had images taken back in 2009 but they really weren’t great. To be honest, it was one of those rip-off studios that pick you up in Oxford Street or something. I guess I was younger then, maybe more naïve about the industry.

I just didn’t know. At the time it sounded like a great deal. Anyway, so I ended up spending £500 on photos, but they weren’t retouched or anything and didn’t look professional at all.

Then the ‘agency’ just disappeared and I never got any support or anything. The whole experience put me off a lot, not just from having photos taken but from modelling. I thought I was never going to get anywhere.

Modelling Success | Model Polaroids

WAM: So many aspiring models have a similar story! It’s really hard to know which agencies and studios are legitimate, because there are so many out there looking to take advantage. What made you decide to book Studio Time with We Are Models?

Ewa: I just really trusted the team from the start. It was so refreshing to be speaking to someone who really does have your best interests at heart, especially after so long feeling lost and distrustful towards the industry.

“It was so refreshing to be speaking to someone who really does have your best interests at heart. That’s the vibe I constantly got from Emily and the team”

Emily told me about the Studio Time package, and explained exactly what the day involved and the types of images I could expect to get and why those images would help me apply for the agencies we’d discussed.

When she told me about the quality guarantee, I was 100% convinced. I knew I’d need to invest in my career – I just wanted to be sure that it was an investment, if you know what I mean! [We offer a Unique Quality Guarantee on all our images. If any reputable agency deems them unsuitable, we’ll do them again for free].

With the support of the We Are Models production team, I knew the investment would be worth it.

Modelling Success | Ewa Golan

WAM: So you had your images, and you had your list of agencies… then what happened?

Ewa: I went away and applied to those agencies! I felt much more confident, because I knew I was doing the right thing in the right way and investing my time in the right places and people.

“I felt much more confident, because I knew I was doing the right thing in the right way”

Within 2 months I’d been signed by three of those agencies, which was an amazing feeling. One of them I’d actually applied to before, but I’d obviously approached them wrong and had the wrong images because I’d been unsuccessful. Not any more!

I’ve been to around 10 castings since then, and been booked for 3 modelling jobs. It’s just so exciting! One of them was for Swiss Air, for their Spring 2016 social media campaign – I’m so pleased to have been booked for work, and to be getting positive feedback too.

Modelling Success | Ewa Golan modelling job

Ewa Golan Behind the scenes on the Swiss Air social media campaign

“I’m so pleased to have been booked for work and to be getting positive feedback too”

WAM: What’s your favourite thing about modelling professionally?

Ewa: I’m just going at 100 miles per hour right now and I absolutely love it. I’m having so much fun. I’m much more confident; I know what I like, and what I want, and how I can get there.

I love working with creative people all the time, connecting to people. People have these stereotypes that models just pose, but that’s not the case at all. It’s really collaborative, creative work.

WAM: What do you think sets you apart as a model?

Ewa: I always bring my own energy into a shoot. It’s such a creative thing, so I think it’s important to bounce off other people and try and create an amazing image. I do my own things and bring my own take, my own style. I have great intuition and can quickly read what the client hope to achieve, so I can work well with the team even when there’s not much time to get the perfect shot.

It’s really important to me that everyone involved in the shoot enjoys what they’re doing and feels part of the team!

Modelling Success | Backstage photography

WAM: What are your aspirations over the next few years?

Ewa: As a model, to keep growing and inspire others to follow their dreams. I know it sounds cliche but it’s never too late. You just have to believe in yourself and be confident.

I’m a dancer and sports nutritionist too, so I’d love to do more modelling work in fitness and health. That’s actually something I love about We Are Models. They’re not just about modelling – they also share holistic advice on lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and so on. I really believe in that – creating a lifestyle and a community, not just a career.

I also empower women through dance with my fitness program, FEMINITY. It’s for women who are passionate, fun and ambitious, who want to look after their bodies and overall well-being and want a confidence-boosting, fun workout! At the same time, it’s about meeting and engaging with like minded women to grow and learn from each other. We dance like nobody’s watching and move like our favourite stars. I’m always Beyonce…!

Modelling Success |Portfolio images

“I love that We Are Models aren’t just about modelling and they share holistic advice on lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and so on. I really believe in that – creating a lifestyle and a community, not just a career.”

That’s what modelling and dance have done for me – made me much more confident and more empowered, and I want to share that with others.

WAM: Ewa, thank you! It’s so great to hear that things are taking off for you, and thanks so much for sharing your story with our community. As a final note, is there any advice you’d share with other We Are Models members?

Ewa: I’d say this to everyone – speak to the team who are here to guide you and always be yourself, don’t listen to others, smile and believe in yourself and nothing can hold you back!

Success Story | female model

We Are Models member Ewa is a dancer, model and nutritionist based in London. She also runs the female empowerment dance community, FEMINITY. Follow her on Facebook HERE and Instagram HERE.

We Are Models empower aspiring and professional models to launch and grow their modelling career. Read more about our Membership packages and join our popular community today.