La comunicazione è uno strumento che può fare la differenza tra successo e fallimento proprio nelle fasi critiche, quando è più che mai importante ricordare che “se vuoi che ti scelgano, fai almeno sapere cosa offri”. Ma comunicare non basta:…
Modeling And Casting Managemant First we consider us an casting agency, discovering new faces and promoting their portofolio from local to international levels. Personality and beauty services we offer by promoters, host and hostess for all types of…
Trendattack international elite modeling agency has been representing professional models since 2001. The agency’s experienced collegues are mainly working with the foreign modeling agencies worldwide and sending models for direct fashion and…
JOOST Agency Ltd. as a International Model Agency pleased in Warsaw. We are a team of people experienced in the industry. Mainly we are focus on promoting models and directing their fashion career. It is really important for us, to search new faces…