“PS Studio” is young and constantly developing agency in Ukraine The main directions of our work are: • holding presentations, Image events, contests, show-programs, clothes demonstration • providing exhibitions, photo and video sessions, fashion…
Besides being an international model agency, we achieved success in lots of international organizations through our professional stuff. We are working with diffferent firms from textile, fashion, tourism, food, cosmetics sector and we have achieved…
Agentúra MIX model management je slovenská modelingová agentúra so sídlom v Bratislave. Zastupuje profesionálne modelky, ktoré pracujú na domácom, ale hlavne aj na zahraničných trhoch, ako napr. v Paríži, Miláne, Londýne, Mníchove, Miami, Tokyu,…
Actividad En De Mil Models nos dedicamos a proveer a nuestros clientes de modelos, actores, personajes, figurantes especiales, extras, multitudes, personajes circenses, mascotas, azafatas, automóviles para escenas, y un largo abanico de…
London Glamour Studio is a London based Glamour Model Agency and Model Management