Exit Model Management, founded in 1999, is an independent and one of the most well known agency in Eastern Europe, Slovakia. Representing both women and men, Exit prides in being a mother agent of top models such as Kinga Rajzak, Zuzana Gregorova,…
Agentúra neumann MODELS je slovenská modelingová agentúra so sídlom v Bratislave. Zastupuje profesionálne modelky, ktoré pracujú na domácom, ale hlavne aj na zahraničných trhoch, ako napr. v Paríži, Miláne, Londýne, Mníchove, Miami, Tokyu, Pekingu,…
Our agency Black & White Production was founded in 1995 as a fashion and art agency. We have a lot of experience in organizing castings, fashion shows, social and sport events as well as arranging banquets, conferences, exhibitions, fairs and…
Modeling agency le PROVOCATEUR operates the Slovak and the world market for over 10 years. Agency cares of: WOMEN models, MALE models, KIDS models and X-SIZE models. Modeling agency le PROVOCATEUR works in fashion industry including print, catalog,…