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Are you always on the go and find yourself having little time to workout between your travels? For models who fly on a frequent basis, you may find it hard to go to a gym while you’re away.

While browsing through the App Store, I found an application called, “Daily Workouts;” a fun and free way to workout where ever I am. The app allows you to get a solid and complete workout in without feeling bad on missing out at the gym. I find it to be a great way to keep me active and moving, even when I am strapped for time.

The workouts include separate sessions for abs, arms, butt, cardio, legs, and full body. Each workout has easy-to-read instructions on how to perform the exercise correctly and even has a personal trainer on the screen working out with you. I also really like the simplicity of the app and the incredibly user-friendly interface. The timer shown on the screen was helpful as well because it allowed me to keep track of my remaining workout time.

Bonus: No signing up is required!

Each workout (apart from the full body) has two programs you can choose from. Program 1 is an easy option, while Program 2 is intermediate. The workouts can be done in time increments of either 5, 8, or 10 minutes. For the 5 minute workout, there are ten different exercises and each one lasts 30 seconds whereas for the 10 minute workout, each one lasts 60 seconds.

The types of exercises for each program vary and will appear in a different order each time you workout. However, although the types of exercises in each program vary, they will always be the same ones for each program and won’t change. Personally, I don’t mind this feature because I will usually switch back and forth between the two programs on alternating workout days.
The full body workouts include abs, arms, butt, cardio, and legs. You can select a workout time for either 10, 20, or 30 minutes. The full body workouts vary each time you work out so the routine is hardly ever the same. This is one of my favourite features of the app because I am able to work out different muscles with each workout and it’s always something new. Even a quick ten minute workout in the morning before a shoot got my blood pumping and left me feeling energized!

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