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Let’s Get Ready to Krumble…

Keira Rumble, AKA Krumble, is a lifestyle and fashion influencer with some seriously heavy online influence.

Passionate about helping others look and feel their best, Kiera travels all over the world working with an exclusive range of fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands. Kiera has 88K Instagram followers and a global audience spanning every continent. This is what she has to say…

Introducing…. Lifestyle and Fashion Influencer Kiera Rumble

WAM: Hi, Kiera. Thanks so much for making time to have a chat. What with running a full-time global business, I know you’re pretty busy!

K.R: Haha! Yes, busy is an understatement

WAM: Let’s start at the beginning then. How did this all start? Did you always want to be a lifestyle and fashion influencer?

K.R: It all started out as a food blog. I was obsessed with living a healthy lifestyle for a long time, so it came out of that passion. I used to ski competitively, so have always had a love and passion for health and sport, but unfortunately I was injured when racing so that put me into early retirement. This allowed me to shift my focus into other areas, like creating my first food blog.

It started out really casually – just posing some of my favourite healthy recipes. A lot of my friends kept asking for more, and I realised people were really enjoying it so I started to post more regularly.

I built a 10K Instagram following just from food, and then made a decision to really try and turn it into a business. I wanted to combine my modelling with my passion for health and fitness, to create a community based around looking and feeling your best.

WAM: What types of brands do you work with?

K.R: I started out doing a lot of fitness modelling for the likes of Reebok and Asics. As the Krumbled brand has grown, we have started to partner with a range of international brands within the fashion and beauty markets.

WAM: How do you decide which brands you’ll promote?

K.R: I really only work with brands I genuinely love, because it’s so important to me not to be misleading to my audience. For clothing brands for instance, I try to endorse brands that I would wear or use in everyday life. I’ve worked with a few companies right from the start as they’ve grown, and that’s really nice. Seeing someone grow from the ground-up is pretty rewarding. But it is also great to align with the bigger brands too.


I only work with brands I genuinely love, because it’s so important to me not to be misleading to my audience

The most important thing is that I genuinely want to recommend the brand or product, whether that’s fitness, health, lifestyle, beauty or fashion.

WAM: It sounds like authenticity is really important to you…

K.R: Yes, definitely. It’s so, so important. You have a huge commitment to your followers. I’ve been approached by brands who want to be very scripted in their approach, but I always push back against that. It has to be real. Everything I do is highly ethical and substantiated; I try to only work with brands I really believe in.

WAM: What do you think the main benefit is to brands looking to partner with you?

K.R: We’ve put in the time researching what our followers want and like, so we really know the audience inside out. Krumbled followers are highly engaged because of that, so brands can gain wider access to an audience they really couldn’t have reached before.


We’ve put in the time researching what our followers want and like, so we really know the audience inside out. Krumbled followers are highly engaged so brands can gain wider access to an audience they really couldn’t have reached before

It’s about getting genuine engagement from a huge, relevant global audience. I’ve worked hard so my followers trust me – brands that I choose to work with can leverage that trust.

WAM: That makes perfect sense. From looking at some of the pictures on your Instagram I’d guess you’re not short of amazing experiences… but what’s your favourite thing you’ve done as a lifestyle and fashion influencer?

K.R: I absolutely love what I do. I think this is crucial in building your brand. The transition from a full time office job, to starting Krumbled was pretty exciting and daunting at the same time!

I can safely say, I work longer hours now, than I did in my full time office job, I never switch off haha! But I get to do some really amazing things. Most recently the UN flew me out to the Maldives as part of a tourism initiative to promote the islands. I got to explore the islands and work with a lot of the locals – it was an amazing trip.


It’s a lot of hard work, but I get to do some really amazing things – like being flown out to the Maldives earlier this year, or to Singapore just before that, or to Bali last year

WAM: Travel has been a big part of your life as a lifestyle and fashion influencer then?

K.R: Travel has been huge, yeah! Recently I’ve been doing a lot in South East Asia with different brands, PR agencies and tourism agencies. Having recently come back from Singapore and Bali. It’s been phenomenal!

WAM: How did you grow your brand internationally?

K.R: First of all I got some really great analytics, so I could figure out where my audience is actually based. I’d assumed the audience would be mostly Australian because that’s where we’re based. It was actually a huge shock to find out that we have a stronger following in the US. I mean, we have a really great audience in Oz, but the US is huge, and so is the UK. Brazil is up there too, and South East Asia is growing quickly. To tap into these markets more, we specifically schedule posts to hit the prime posting time in those time zones and we also tailor our content to different areas.


We have a really great audience in Oz, but the US is huge, and so is the UK. Brazil is up there too, and South East Asia is growing quickly

It all started with having the analytics to identify where the audience are. Then it was a no brainer to start to engage internationally. We started to affiliate with some brands in those areas, and build partnerships with other popular influencers to grow the Krumbled following.

Now I feel like I have friends everywhere. When I travel, I can’t wait to meet people and to share their experiences, I’m lucky I’ve always had an amazing support network.

That’s really important to seek out a network. As an Instagrammer, you need people to bounce off I think. You need people to share ideas with, to be creative with.

WAM: Great advice. Are there any other tips you’d share with other models hoping to get to where you are?

K.R: Be original and consistent! They’re two of the most important things. When we first started to grow, I noticed a lag where we weren’t growing as fast. Instead of posting 3 or 4 times a week, now I try and engage at least once (if not twice) a day and that’s made a huge impact.

It’s really important to have a global audience, but when your audience are all over the world you have to reach them all at different times.

I’d also say, never put up a photo just for the sake of it, that you aren’t proud of. You have to think of it as a business. Most branded photos, have been carefully planned and scheduled. It’s not just about getting the photo. It’s about telling the story behind it; bringing people inside your life and providing really valuable content.Other channels of social media like snapchat we have recently introduced to our audience and we are getting some great feedback from this too!


Never put up a photo just for the sake of it. It’s not just about getting the photo. It’s about telling the story behind it; bringing people inside your life and providing really valuable content

WAM: Originality, value, consistency: got it! And what does the next year hold for you? What are your aspirations?

K.R: We are just about to launch our new website, so I’m really focussing on that. We are creating a complete lifestyle platform covering fashion, beauty, fitness, health and travel. I want it to become a one-stop hub, featuring genuine articles, interviews, reviews and brand recommendations.

It’s just about continuing to build the Krumbled brand. We’ve got the website, Instagram, facebook, snapchat and our youtube channel is in the works.


We’re creating a complete lifestyle platform covering fashion, beauty, fitness, health and travel. It’s going to be a one-stop hub, featuring genuine articles, interviews, reviews and brand recommendations…

I’m really driven by helping people reach their aspirations. I want people to thrive, to improve their lives and that’s about creating a happier, healthier lifestyle. We want to inspire but be relatable, you know?

WAM: Kiera, thank you so much for your time. You’ve been amazing. Best of luck with everything this year brings you!

You can find lifestyle and fashion influencer Kiera on Instagram HERE and check out her website HERE for food, fashion, fitness and everything Krumbled. For brand partnership enquiries, get in touch with We Are Models via our Brands page, or if you’re an aspiring influencer with 30K+ followers you can apply to join our Influencer Community.

If you’d like to become a lifestyle and fashion influencer but don’t have the social following yet, our Premier membership is designed to help. We provide you with bespoke training to help you build your social footprint and launch your online modelling career. READ MORE NOW.

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