Once you have done some professional print modeling you may have some tearsheets. If they are effective pictures, you will
want to put them in your portfolio and on your card. A fashion model’s agency can usually provide her with
access to most of her tearsheets. Normally a fashion agency will have a relationship with the fashion magazines, and the magazines may send tearsheets to the agency. The agency may also subscribe to the important fashion magazines, so if they don’t get courtesy copies of the tears, they can be taken out of the subscription issues. It’s very different in commercial modeling. A commercial print model’s work may show up anywhere: in general interest magazines, annual reports, advertising to the trade, billboards or posters or countless other outlets. That is true to some degree of fashion work, but strongly true for commercial print. Commercial clients usually do not provide copies of the ads to agencies (although they may on special request). That means the model will have the problem of chasing down his work, or of getting a copy from the photographer or ad agency that hired him. Keeping those phone numbers handy helps a lot in building your portfolio.

Model Safety
Internet modeling by its very nature is much less safe than mainstream. Many of the clients whether for paid or TFP shoots) are not professi

With a majorly popular (and sometimes controversial) twitter presence, Sports Illustrated model Chrissy Teigen is having a moment. Cosmopoli