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Manuela Frey and Nastya Sten both walked the most shows in March — a whopping 63. They talked to WWD about their whirlwind season.

When did you find out that you had walked the most shows?

Manuela Frey: I never counted the shows. At the end, I was really sad that it was over and my agency told me, “You are the girl who walked the most shows, with Nastya.” And she is my friend. We always saw each other during shows, but never talked about how we were doing a lot of shows.

Nastya Sten: I found out a few days after the craziness ended. I was sincerely surprised. During the fashion week, time totally flies, so it’s hard to keep track of even your own shows.

Is there any competition between you two?

M.F.: No, not at all. None at all. And she’s in the same agency, so we’re proud to be in The Society. It’s so cool because I really like her. She’s a good friend. She’s really open and nice and honest. She’s not a girl who thinks she’s the best—she’s really humble. She’s so beautiful. Her eyes are crystal blue.

What was your most stressful moment?

M.F.: My phone was stolen backstage at Alexis Mabille, in Paris. It was horrible because everyone from the agency was calling me, “Where are you?” But I didn’t have my phone. My friend Josephine Le Tutour helped me and I called them, but it was really hard. Luckily, I knew my schedule, but it was difficult.